Free introductory call 30 minutes If you're new to energy and Spirit work or you are exploring avenues that will most align with your needs in this Now moment, let's chat! We can discuss how my work might support you as well as other resources to consider. No obligation.
1:1 Consulting $300 / 90 minutes $200 / 60 minutes $444 / Package of 3 one hour sessions If you are prepared for deep work, led by your I AM presence, in connection with your team in Spirit of highest light and resonance, I will guide you through the field of healing and alignment. We will work with your team in a highly protected space to identify what is coming up for healing and clearing, including soul contracts, patterns from other lifetimes or dimensions, attachments or connections which no longer serve, and disruptions from entities or anything lower astral in nature. You will actively participate in the process and will learn techniques to continue your own practice. Anyone looking for healing, guidance, support, or spiritual expansion will benefit from this work. Catherine's unique soul light and experiences are especially helpful for those experiencing change/transformation and those in corporate settings. Examples include clients on journeys through compromised health, grief, healing of any kind, including forgiveness of self and others. There are many kinds of death - physical death, divorce, loss of any kind - and you are ensured of being guided and protected through the entire experience.
One hour reading also available for tuning into a highly specific issue, following up on previous work, or as an introduction to work with Spirit. $200 (Note: deeper work - particularly clearing and any work dealing with the lower astral - will require the full 90 minute 1:1, which is the average length of a session.)
Packages: Create your own adventure! Book three one hour sessions for ongoing work with Spirit in a program custom designed for you. $444 (a $600 value)
Akashic Record reading $200 initial reading $125 follow up reading 30 minute consult plus record transcript and free 30 minute follow up within a month of the reading.
Your Akashic Record is the complete accounting of your soul's unique journey across lifetimes and dimensions. Also known as the Book of Life, your record is a blueprint of experiences, plans, and milestones in your Divine path. Accessing your record provides a high level vantage point from which to view a current life event or challenge to see how best to navigate according to the highest Divine will. You will discuss the issue at hand with Catherine, who will then tune into the record offline and send you the transcript of the record review (within 24 hours). You are encouraged to reconnect with Catherine after you have had an opportunity to sit with the findings, so you may schedule a free follow up consultation within 30 days.
Reiki (long distance) $200 / hour A spiritually guided energy direct from Source, Reiki addresses healing needs at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Reiki balances energy fields (auras) and energy centers (chakras). It knows where the client most needs support, and it keeps working even after the session. While it does not replace traditional allopathic medical treatment, Reiki can be used as a complementary therapy. The session will include feedback and intuitive guidance as received from your angelic team.
Reiki is excellent for a variety of physical, spiritual, and emotional ailments:
Stress and stress-related health concerns
Anxiety and depression
Acute pain and chronic health conditions
Addiction recovery
Emotional and physical trauma
Sleep problems
Hospice comfort care
Side effects from chemotherapy
Gift Certificate $200 - Available for a one hour session. Either a 1 hour reading, Akashic Record reading, or Reiki session. The recipient will receive a code to use when they book their appointment.
Terms: All sessions are conducted on Zoom unless otherwise arranged. Full payment is required at the time of booking. Payment accepted via PayPal or Venmo @druidrising or Major Credit Card Hourly rate for custom sessions is $200. 48 hour notice of cancellation required. WBL members: ask me about your discount codes
All services, workshops and events are for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only.